Olga, Francis Picabia, 1930
Past Life Regression offers the participant a compassionate structure and process through which spiritual questions can be asked and answered. Born in the 1970s and popularized by characters like Dr. Brian Weiss, Dolores Cannon, and Daniel’s late father, Jeffrey Ryan, this unique and dynamically cathartic process threads hypnosis with mysticism and meditation in an experience which studies death, reincarnation, the afterlife, and non-ordinary states.
In Beyond Terror and Denial: The Positive Psychology of Death Acceptance, Paul T.P. Wong and Adrian Tomer write “…at a personal level, death attitudes matter: Death defines how we live.” “Death Positivity" within the context of this course will be defined in the simplest terms and may be considered broadly as a positive orientation towards the study, exploration, and experience of the inevitable. Reaching for and grasping a freer spectrum of attitudes, anything outside of the generally avoidant tropes of an ageist, youth-obsessed marketplace that exists in dialogue with an abhorrently expensive and prohibitive healthcare system will be a good start. Past Life Regression truly is an alternative that always has Death front and center, hiding in plain sight in its narrativized cycles of completion, reincarnation, and rebirth.
During this experiential course, we’ll explore the theory and practice of Past Life Regression (PLR) in relationship to death positivity, reincarnation, and the cycles of life that emerge in its narratives.
5-week live, online course
Date: Tuesdays, May 24, 31, June 7, 14, 21.
Time: 6-8pm EST/New York City time
Admission: $130 (Patreon members $5/mo and above) / $150 (regular admission)
Taught via Zoom by Daniel Ryan
All live classes will also be recorded and archived for students.
Students will have the opportunity to experience PLR during multiple classes examining and potentially experiencing their past lifetimes, relationships transcending their present incarnation, death scenes, rebirthing, the spaces between lives, non-human existences, and much more. There will be guest speakers to further illuminate and deepen our understanding of the material.
Benefits and takeaways from this course will include your own journeys through the subconscious, insight into the uses and applications of PLR and hypnosis, new and dynamic frameworks for better understanding ourselves and the mind, fascinating material and reading pertaining to PLR, life, death, and the afterlife to enjoy and discuss, and the opportunity for a revitalized sense of purpose having been enriched by the tools and resources of regression.
PLR itself is roughly 50 years old but contains multitudes in its shared histories and connections to the larger subjects of hypnosis, meditation, modern spiritual systems of teaching and healing, and the spectrum of philosophies of the afterlife.
Class Schedule
5/24: Introduction to the Art of Past Life Regression
5/31: Death Scenes in Regression Therapy: The Surrendered Self
6/7: Communication Beyond the Veil: Grief, Transcendence, and Hypnosis
6/14: The Afterlife, The Inter Life, and the Near-Death: Narratives and Formulations of the Hereafter
6/21: Reincarnation and Meaning Making: Death as the Mirror, the Mentor, and The Beginning
Recommended but not mandatory reading:
Many Lives, Many Masters by Brian Weiss
Beyond Terror and Denial: The Positive Psychology of Death Acceptance by Paul T.P. Wong and Adrian Tomer
Regression Therapy: A Handbook for Professionals (2-Volume Set) by Winafred Lucas
Lifecycles: Reincarnation and the Web of Life By Christopher Bache
Between Death and Life: Conversations With a Spirit by Dolores Cannon
The Art of Regression Therapy: A Clinical Guide by C. Roy Hunter and Bruce Elmer
Daniel Ryan has maintained a full-time private practice in New York City offering Hypnosis and Regression Therapy to individuals, businesses, and groups since 2012. He is currently attending Columbia University studying Narrative Medicine and pursuing a Master of Science. He has received board certifications in Hypnotherapy, Regression Therapy, and Neuro-Linguistic Psychology.
Daniel received his undergraduate degree, a Bachelor of Fine Arts, from Emerson College where his work focused on writing, literature, and sociology. He studied and trained in techniques of meditation at the School of Practical Philosophy in New York City from 2007 to 2014 while exploring Vedic philosophy, neuroscience, and east/west mysticism. He co-founded the Center for Integrative Healing in Chatham, NJ in 2012. From 2014 to 2020 he worked alongside Melissa Tiers as Director at The Center for Integrative Hypnosis in Manhattan.
As a second-generation practitioner, Daniel has a unique story. Hypnosis and Past Life Regression are the family business. Jeffrey Ryan (1940-2011) was a hypnotherapist specializing in past life regression and Daniel’s first teacher. Mr. Ryan served as the President of the Association for Past Life Research and Therapies in the 1990s. With decades of experience using guided therapies, meditative practices, and narrative journeys in hypnosis - today Daniel champions education and ethical practice alongside thought leadership and exploration into new territory.
Image: Olga, Francis Picabia, 1930